My status in the UK is of crucial importance to me but of greater importance at this very moment in time is to say that I hope you are all ok both physically and mentally during this Covid-19 crisis.
Since my first In Limbo testimony I have been channeling my inner patient self and hoping to receive a positive response to my EU Settlement application from the Home Office as the UK has been my home since 1991.
I submitted my EUSS application in December/Jan. We are now in May and I am sad to report that I have heard nothing at all from the Home Office. I fully appreciate that the Covid-19 crisis has necessitated changes within the Home Office and that staff capacity will be affected. That said, the Brexit deadline appears to be set in stone as far as the UK government is concerned and no flexibility is considered in spite of processing delays due to the Covid crisis.
I am wondering if my application will have been processed before the end of the year at this rate and if not what will my status be come 2021?
I recently emailed the EUSS helpline to ask for a status update but only got an impersonal automated email response back which just told me to keep waiting. Hence, I feel left with no knowledge about my status which is not reassuring at all and an added concern which my family and I really could do without right now.
Also, I am currently “stuck’ outside the UK due to Covid lockdowns and travel restrictions and depending on the future travel situation across the world I am worried that I may have to stay outside the UK for longer than is permitted according to EUSS timeframes.
I enquired at the local British embassy about my ability for repatriation to the UK but as I am not a British national I was told that there was no guarantee that I would be eligible for repatriation and in any case I would have to prove that I have indefinite leave to remain in the UK to be considered in the first place.
Well…my EUSS application is still in process so I cannot prove any right to remain in the UK right now. At least I am with my family so am not left alone but I can’t help feeling a little lost with an unprocessed EUSS application and an uncertain right to be allowed into the UK due to Covid restrictions. I consider the UK to be my home but right now I don’t feel the UK considers me to be of any importance whatsoever.
Though, I am a positive person by nature and I try not to get bogged down by my EUSS situation….it gets harder though as time goes on! I am currently spending some lovely unexpected lockdown time with two of my three kids and in the meantime I am just crossing my fingers hoping for the best.
Stay safe everyone and good luck to anyone still going through the EUSS process.
© Netty Chapman, 51, Danish, in the UK since 1991
First published May 2020
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